At Balanced Rock Power, we’re committed to a development process that is honest, upfront, and respectful to all those involved. Our team is dedicated to doing what’s best for landowners and their communities, and will always conduct business in a responsible and sustainable manner.
We’re forthright with landowners. If we conduct a survey on your property, we share all of those results with you.”
~ John Knight, CEO
Men walking in field, solar panels on right, field on left

In it for the long term

While we’re focused on developing new solar and energy storage projects, we take the long-term view with each project, knowing they will be operating for at least 30 years.

Our experience guiding projects from start to finish gives us a strong understanding of project viability and guides our decision-making process when it comes to land acquisition and leases.

We undertake a lot of upfront work, analysis and diligence in identifying possible locations for our projects. That means we may not always look at the most “obvious” locations — we see potential that maybe others don’t.

If we don’t think a project has a strong chance to move forward, we won’t develop it. So, when we approach landowners, we already know we are serious about moving a project forward. While there will always be many challenges, we prefer to focus our efforts fully on a few projects rather than thinly across many, in the hope that something will stick. Wasting time — yours or ours — is not something we do!

Where we develop

Balanced Rock Power’s clean energy project development is currently focused in the West, including Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Utah, South Dakota, and Wyoming.

Our process

  1. Identify areas and land that have good potential for solar and battery storage development and a viable way to connect to the electric grid (a.k.a. interconnection)
  2. Identify and engage with landowners, securing rights to lease the land for a project
  3. Secure a position in the interconnection study queue (which determines when we will be able to connect the project)
  4. Design outline project scope
  5. Work on permitting and approvals, finalize land leases
  6. Secure final approvals and financing, then construction of the solar project begins
  7. After construction is complete, the project begins operations
It’s your land and we know how important it is to you. Each project gets 110% of our attention.”
~ John Knight, CEO

Benefits for landowners and your community

  • You will receive a revenue stream or rent for decades to come, while maintaining ownership of the land for future use and future generations.
  • Your local county, school, hospital district and other agencies will benefit from property tax revenues generated by the increased value of the site — helping support the financial future and vibrancy of the community.
  • Local businesses will also benefit from the increased activity during construction and operation.
  • Your community will literally be part of powering America’s future energy needs.
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